Damaging swell waves: 13-14 October 1961

Another account of large swell causing damage to the dock area at Wot and settlement areas in Walung (and possibly Tafunsak) over the 13-14 October 1961 is described in the book Island of Angels (Buck, 2005). One of the students at Wot wrote:

The waves were gigantic. It was scary, but there was also some fun. We third year students were sleeping at Milton’s house at the beach when a wave rushed in, thoroughly soaking us. As we tried to get back to sleep. an even larger wave rolled in and carried Andrew and Misima out into the taro patch…………Lots of things floated away on this tide. The walls of the house where the Malem people usually stay were carried out to sea………….Lots of things were destroyed at Insief  too including the houses of Salpasr and Horace and two of the houses in Leap. Hashime’s house is gone.

There was also tragedy . The waves loosened the roots of a coconut tree in Tafunsak, causing it to fall, killing the two small daughters of Likunat and Likiaksru Lazarus of Utwe. Everyone is very sad about this terrible thing.


Buck E.M. 2005. Island of Angels. The growth of the church on Kosrae. Kapkapak lun church fin can Kosrae. 1852 – 2002. Watermark Publishing