Seasonal forecasts (for next few months) for sea levels and rainfall for Kosrae produced by the Pacific ENSO Applications Centre suggest that:
- Sea-level in the region around Kosrae will tend to be around 3 inches higher than normal for the period June, July and August. This means all tide levels will be pushed up by 3 inches.
- Rainfall is expected to be near average for the June to August period. Near average rainfall is also expected for the remainder of the year.
Further information is available from the Pacific ENSO Update newsletter.
The tide calendars for June, July and and August (tide prediction + seasonal sea-level forecast), are now available in both English and Kosraean. These can be downloaded below:
English: June-2013 | July-2013 | August-2013
Kosraean: Jun-2013 | Julae-2013 | Okos-2013
The three month seasonal forecast of highest daily tides and dates of extremely high tides is only available in English: Seasonal-June-July-2013
The highest tide levels over the next three months (and hence greater possibility of coastal flooding, particularly if large waves occur over the same period) are likely to occur between the 22 – 26 June and 22-25 July.
Copies of the tide calendars can also be obtained from the KIRMA office in Tofol.